Lupe Conchas is a dedicated community leader and advocate running for Glendale City Council. Born and raised in Arizona, Lupe's upbringing instilled in him a deep appreciation for hard work, family values, and community engagement. As the Governing Board President in the Alhambra Elementary School District, he understands the importance of transparency and accountability in local government.

Lupe's journey is a testament to perseverance and determination. He was the first person in his family to graduate high school and earn a Bachelor's Degree in Political Science from the University of Arizona. His commitment to public service led him to roles in various community organizations, where he worked tirelessly to address issues such as affordable housing, education, and infrastructure.

With a background in public service and grassroots organizing, Lupe brings a unique perspective to the table. He is passionate about advocating for the needs of all community members, particularly those who have been historically marginalized. Through his campaign for Glendale City Council, Lupe aims to be a voice for positive change and a champion for a brighter future for all residents.

Facts about Lupe

Age: 31

Job Title: Regional Organizing Manager

Employer: ONE Campaign

Other: Founder of Mobilizing Strategies LLC

Education Level: Bachelor's Degree in Political Science

Elected positions: School Board President

Favorite taco shop: Ta Carbon (59th Ave & Camelback Ave)

Favorite local business: Restaurante Tu Pueblo & La Purisima Bakery

Currently reading: A Millennial's Guide to Running for Office: How to Get Elected Without Kissing the Ring by Henry Bouchot

"As the current School Board President in the Alhambra Elementary School District, I've seen the needs of our community often overlooked at Glendale City Hall. I am committed to ensuring that the concerns of all residents are heard and addressed in a timely manner. East Glendale deserves as much time, attention, and resources as Westgate.

Being a small business owner, I am committed to protecting taxpayers and their hard earned paychecks.  I understand the challenges of navigating bureaucratic hurdles. I am dedicated to fostering an environment where entrepreneurship can thrive. Cactus District is home to a large manufacturing district. I support labor unions and apprenticeship programs for our young adults. 

As a renter in the district, I've personally experienced the struggles of facing steep rent increases, with a hike of over 14% in just one year. This firsthand experience fuels my commitment to advocating for fair housing policies that protect the rights of renters and promote housing stability. We must promote growth in housing and keep Glendale affordable.

I believe in a democratic process that allows residents to make informed decisions about the future of our district. My campaign is about serving the people of Glendale. Join me in this campaign to create a more inclusive future for our community and to be a proud voice for the residents of East Glendale."
